The New Electric Skateboard Wireless Controller
Update 5/21/14 - Wireless Wii Nunchuck is soon to be available!
Subscribe to our mailing list to get more updates. These Wii Nunchucks are currently in the process of being made in a printed PCB board. Features include cruise control option, boost, ability to edit cruise control while riding and much more.

I'm finally tired of the bigger RC controllers.
They aren't that big but too big to fit in your pocket. The above image is one of the more fancy Wireless Wii Nunchuk controllers available. I like this one because it has the blue LED lights on it. However, they are not as widely available as the Nyko Kama Wireless Wii Controllers - image below which means they will be much harder to obtain and they are much more expensive.

I was against the use of using a Wii Nunchuk as my Wireless Controller for my Electric Longboard because the joystick is much easier to make a mistake as it's very light joystick and any sudden movements can have you eating pavement if you aren't careful. My need for a more portable remote controller was more of an issue. For this reason, I will start testing out the Wii Nunchuk as a wireless controller for my Electric Skateboard.
Originally, my idea was to figure out how I can create my own wireless controller and/or have it manufactured and decided against it as the cost would increase the consumer cost as well.
For this reason, I am choosing to implement a Wii Wireless Nunchuk for my
Electric Skateboard Kit.
The Current Electric Skateboard Wireless Controller
I currently enjoy using the GT2B RC Controller - which you can buy here from -
GT2B RC Controller. The GT2B RC Controller below is an awesome controller and works extremely well but it is bulky and that can be annoying and cumbersome for others interested in riding an
electric skateboard. By converting and using a Wii Wireless Nunchuk as our Electric Longboard Wireless Controller, we have the ability to store the controllers in our pockets with much more ease.
Did those Black Wii Nunchucks w/ blue LEDS ever come to production if so how well do they work and how can get them
Did those Black Wii Nunchucks w/ blue LEDS ever come to production if so how well do they work and how can a get them
did this ever happen?
hi! is there any information when its going to be on stock?
Reading posts like this make surfing such a plersuae
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