Electric Skateboard Wiiceiver Wireless Nunchuck Instructions
- Y-axis (up/down) is used for acceleration control. It is very similar to the standard RC transmitters.
- Up/Forward is used to control acceleration speed.
- Neutral is used to coast and/or slow down.
- Down is used for electrical brakes.
- X/Y joystick axes, X/Y/Z accelerometers, and the two buttons are monitored to confirm that the nunchuck is "active" -- as opposed to dropped or low battery. When "inactive" the wiiceiver returns to neutral, and will not re-start until it detects and active neutral signal.
- C button is "cruise control" -- press and hold C to maintain the current throttle level. Drop the joystick to neutral to cruise. While holding C, pressing the joystick "up" will increase speed gently, "down" will decrease speed. Releasing C returns to neutral.
- If within 5 seconds, you hit the C (cruise control button) it will resume speed of the last set cruise control speed gradually.
- Control smoothing: Wiiceiver implemenets an exponential algorithm to smooth the controller input. As currently tuned, an instant 0-100% throttle input will result in a gradual change to the ESC over the course of about 1s.
- It is possible for the Wiiceiver to be affected by electrical and bluetooth interference. You assume the risk of the Wiiceiver not responding at any moment due to your riding environment. We recommend that you do know how to stop by traditional longboard/skateboarding means before trying to use this as your electric skateboard controller.
- A skateboard is a dangerous device and is even more dangerous with a motor attached to it. Be safe and always wear a helmet. You risk the chance of being minorly injured or even outrageously injured by improper use of an electric skateboard. Use your due diligence and make the correct choices.
- Do not use this as an electric skateboard handheld controller. This is only provided as educational knowledge.
The Wiiceiver on the left comes pre-programmed with the latest firmware and is plug and play.
The Ferrite Ring on the right is used as a filter to help prevent RF interference. It is recommended to keep this attached to your ESC signal wire.
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The Nyko Kama Wii Nunchuck Transmitter (handheld) will take a few seconds to sync with the Nyko Kama Receiver (receiver).
Once the two are sync'ed together it will sync almost instantly.
Turning On Your Electric SkateboardOnce everything is plugged in properly based on the diagrams and images shown above. You can either turn on your the system power first and the Nyko Kama handheld second and/or vice versa. There is no specific way as they will sync either way.
Turn on your board, wait a few seconds for the power to get to the Wiiceiver then turn on your Nyko Kama handheld (Wii Nunchuck). You should see the green and red lights blinking on the Wiiceiver if it is visible.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_text_separator title="Have Any Questions?" title_align="separator_align_center" color="grey"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text] If there is something that you are unclear of and/or have a question or comment. Please feel comment or send us an email. We would be glad to help. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Does this have the reverse function control? The description only said that down throttle is braking. Can it go reverse?
Hello, i need a wiiceiver but it is out of stock. How long will it take get one from you? Kind regards florian
Hey, what If a wanted to make the remote wired to the electronics. How would I do that?
I’m running a 12s lipo configuration and can’t find any esc that have BEC can the wii civer be powered by a 5.5v lipo if I choose to go for a OPTO esc ?
Hi There.
I’ve just got 2 of the Wiiceiver controller.
Can you please also let me know if it will work with 2 Ubec and twin Vesc?
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